2565 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE OF MAN By Jerome B. Bigge Book One Chapter Thirty One "Oars Inboard!" captain Eric Stone barked, the polished brass speaking trumpet in his hand. Sarnian Lady slowly creeping towards the Imperial Palace dock, men standing there ready to receive our lines. Others ready on the dock with poles to help assist as the big trireme approached. The quiet dark water trickling and rippling around the ram. A burly sailor at the bow flinging a rope to those on the dock. Another at the stern doing the same, eager hands seizing them. The many oil torches smoky as the flames flickered and leaped in the soft warm breeze. The high and mighty of the Empire gathered in their finest to greet us. I wondered how many knew of what had existed here on this island before The War. The lights of the city flickering in the distance like twinkling stars. I thought of another city, another era now but mostly legend. Of another who would have loved to have seen all this, one with whom I had "shared" much over few years we had known each other. One who like Darlanis, studied history. She had died aboard a spaceship a hundred million miles from Earth. In the company of horrid alien monsters like giant ants. I thought of the Lorr and the young woman who so much resembled this golden Empress now standing so regal there on the quarterdeck beside me. I wondered if there might not be another Imperial Princess. One that was yet of Darlanis' own bloodline! Such were my first impressions as Sarnian Lady docked. The leather and rope fend-off's groaning with the strain as with a gentle shudder we came to a halt. The long voyage was now over. The ropes drawn up taut around the bollards, a carpeted gangplank swiftly placed in position. Steel clad warriors, The Imperial Guards, taking their places. Swords at their hips, long pikes in their hands, the torchlight reflecting off their polished helmets and tunics of gleaming chain mail. The proud Imperial Tarl was painted on their round shields. I thought them doubtlessly quite effective protectors of their beloved and honored Imperial ruler. She was very beautiful now there at the rail looking out over the city she ruled. I knew now why it was an honor to kneel at her feet. My heart and the sword at my hip were hers now to command. Among my "things" was the Dularnian compound bow she'd given me. In front of us gleaming pale in the reflected torchlight rose the great marble Imperial Palace. The massive pile with its walls now lit by torches, its towers rising up into the star- sprinkled sky like something out of a storybook. Here, I knew, Darlanis now lived and ruled this mighty Empire in The Second Dark Age of Man. An era much like the first except for the Lorr. Sharon moved close, my arm slipping around her slim waist as we looked out upon the sight of Imperial Sarn there in the starlight. I thought of Rome at her glory. I wondered what new adventures awaited us. Mars like a baleful eye glowing down on us. Deimos had passed overhead just before sunset. A second "moon". Darlanis stood for a moment overlooking the city, the bay, perhaps thinking thoughts only a ruler would think. Her hair a golden glory there in the torchlight, the light sparkling off her golden tiara, off the diamonds and other precious jewels that encrusted it. She was veiled now, the veil accenting the lines of her beautiful face, giving her an exotic appearance that I found very attractive on her. Her eyes sparkling as she turned briefly for a moment to glance at me, as if she might share this with me. The long blue silken cloak she wore now tossed back to reveal her golden mesh attire. She was magnificent, a Goddess of Beauty! It is the custom in the Empire for the women of the aristocracy to veil themselves when out in public view. A custom that I enjoy since it softens the hard lines of my face and makes me more attractive and feminine in appearance. I also often wear a large wide brimmed hat for the same reason, and long flowing dresses which do much to conceal the flaws of my "boyish" figure. Turning to me again, the Empire's veiled Empress said in a voice that hinted of steel, "I wish Sharon to be at my side as I walk down the gangplank." I nodded, understanding, knowing why, but still uncomfortable in my heart with the idea. She had the Empire, I had only my Sharon. It had not been easy for me to accept at first. My love, my respect for Darlanis was the only thing that made it possible. I had stood at her side in battle upon an enemy deck. She was now my Empress. I had laid my sword at her feet and pledged my life and my honor to Darlanis Marden, the Empress of California. Janis was dead, only a "memory" now. "My daughter! Is she safe?" a richly dressed aristocratic man cried. Dashing up to Darlanis as she and Sharon stepped off the carpeted gangplank. A couple of guardsmen with their pikes holding the man back. A busty and wide hipped blonde in her finery, veiled, there at his side clutching at his arm. I thought of the wench called Shari now only a slave aboard Sarnian Lady. Kneeling nude with her companions there upon the quarterdeck. "Yes," Darlanis said in a level voice. "Your darling Shari is quite safe aboard the ship." A smile curving her lips beneath her veil as she then added, "You can go see her if you wish. I'm sure she'll explain everything to you." I wondered what her father would have to say when he learned of the punishment meted out. The daughter obviously a genetic clone of the mother. The Lorr have permitted certain fields of scientific research to continue. I thought of another, one who had cost me my own marriage now so long ago. The woman meeting my hot gaze with a puzzled expression beneath her translucent veil as she brushed on by me. "Where's My Son! Damm You, Darlanis, Where's My `SON'!" a beautiful black haired veiled woman snapped, wearing the black of the Warrioress Caste, her voice arrogant, but filled with concern. She would have been a dead ringer for Bianca Jagger, I mused to myself. Deep dark eyes above the net veil flashing into mine as I regarded her from just behind Darlanis, who was not at all pleased to be addressed so, even by someone like this woman! "If you have gotten HIM killed on your Lys-dammed ship, so help me Lys I'll gut you for the `slut' of a whore you are!" I heard her scream, GRABBING DARLANIS AND SHAKING HER SO HARD THAT I FEARED HER CROWN WOULD COME FLYING OFF! Darlanis suddenly breaking free of the woman and giving her a shove that sent her stumbling back a dozen feet, the repressed fury so hot in that tall golden body that I could almost feel it radiating from her! "He was hurt in the battle with the pirate Tarkas, Tara," I heard Darlanis snap, the anger at being so handled showing in her voice as the two regarded each other. Darlanis had spoken much to me of Princess Tara Bisan of Baja, the former Queen of Sarn. Warlady of the Empire and head of the Imperial Senate, which made her effectively the "Prime Minister" of the Empire. She was not a woman to be "crossed" by anyone, not even Darlanis! I was surprised that they had not "crossed swords" at one time or another. I thought I knew the reason "why". Tara's skill with a sword was said to be legendary. She was slim, medium tall, and looked much like the sort of a woman who would be "good" with a sword. The way she had recovered from Darlanis' shove was proof that she was quick on her feet. Swordsmanship is a matter of skill, not sheer muscle power. While Darlanis would be far stronger than Tara, I suspected that Tara's quickness would match Darlanis' strength! "And just who's this blonde `brat' at your side?" the Bajan Princess snapped, "Some little plaything of yours?" Looking at Sharon like some slave girl in a collar. I didn't like the tone of her voice, or what she had implied. I decided I didn't like Princess Tara very much. Darlanis reached out and stopped me before I could express my opinions with the point of my sword. Her eyes for a brief moment holding mine as she shook her head. She no doubt feared that Tara would kill me. She didn't know the perfection of my own skills, which are just a bit superior to her own! She is the only woman I have ever met who can give me a really "good" match, although even her skills don't "match" mine! "And where did you get HER from?" Tara challenged, regarding me. The tone she used with the word "her" implying that I was something that had crawled out from beneath a rock. "She's as ugly as some Lorr!" I am not a beautiful woman, but I do have my pride and I just about had "enough" of Tara despite her awesome reputation. I thought lovingly of pounding the Bajan's face into the flagstones that made up the surface of the dock. Killing her with my bare hands seemed the proper way to go with "slime" like her! Then I suddenly felt strong masculine arms seize me as Darlanis motioned to two of her guardsmen, the Empress being well aware of the thoughts that had been going through my mind just then! The guardsmen, unlike the sailors aboard the Ronda, being well aware of the sort of woman they held and kept enough tension on me that there was little hope of my now interfering in things! "Lorraine Duval is from the 20th Century, as is her stepdaughter Sharon, who has consented to become my adopted daughter after your son decided that he did not wish to be my successor," Darlanis answered, her voice icy cold. The people watching us suddenly muttering among themselves at this item of information, both due to the fact that Sharon and I were from a time now almost legend in this era, and also because Crown Prince Jers Bisan had incredibly given up his claim to the throne of California! I saw another woman, wearing the black of the Warrioress, this one a stunningly beautiful brunette, attempting to calm the Princess. "WHY YOU DAMM BITCH!" Tara screamed, whipping out her sword. "I'll carve your !@#$%^&*() heart for that!" Tara using words that I didn't understand, but yet had little doubt as to their meaning. Darlanis drawing her own, the blade shining there in the flickering light of the torches. I wished I could have taken her place, not because I thought that my own skill was really all that much better than hers, BUT BECAUSE I WANTED TO KILL THAT DAMM BAJAN BITCH LIKE I'VE NEVER WANTED TO KILL ANYONE BEFORE!!! I watched Darlanis toss aside her cloak, veil and hand her golden tiara to Sharon. If she died Sharon would be Empress of California, although there would be "legalities" that might tie things up for years, I knew. In any case Tara wouldn't be around to enjoy it since I had every intention of seeing that Bajan D.O.B. (daughter of a female dog) dying at the point of my sword! Looking up, I saw the young Prince now clinging to Tala Sen. The look in his face one that I will carry for the rest of my days. Doubtlessly Tara was a black hearted bitch that deserved to get what was coming to her, but she was still yet his MOTHER! "You have been a good friend," Darlanis said to me, standing there, her sword in her hand. Tara had the assistance of her lovely companion, a beautifully featured exquisite creature that could have been a "Miss California" if they'd ever held a beauty contest! She was no more than 5'3", and utterly perfect in every way. Darlanis had told me about her. This was the Princess Sela, the younger daughter of Dala Dai, the Queen of Talon. Talon being allied with Baja and thus also allied with the Empire of Mexico. I thought of the great birds. Sela had no doubt ridden upon them. Felt the beat of their great wings as they bore her aloft. She had lived the dream of flight as only birds fly.. "Be careful with those high heels of yours," I warned, recalling how my own had nearly been the death of me aboard the Ronda when I had slipped on the bloody deck and nearly got myself run through for my pains! Darlanis nodding, giving me a smile. There was only the sound of the wind and the soft ripple of the quiet water against Sarnian Lady's massive hull now..... The attack of the Princess was swift, Tara's slim rapier flashing in the torchlight as her blade met that of Darlanis. The swift dip and dart of the blades so swift that the eye could hardly follow, the steel ringing together. The two women so perfectly matched that I knew that it could only end in the death of one of one or the other. I feared for Darlanis. She could not match Tara's swiftness or speed, the Princess' fighting style so much like mine that it was almost like she had been my pupil! I feared that Darlanis would die there before my eyes! She should have let me take on Tara! Not that I was really that much "better", I could see, knowing my own limits, but at least Darlanis would have lived, and it was important to this era that she did! "Lorraine!" Sharon cried as Tara drew blood, the Princess leaping back as Darlanis' red blood stained her skin below her left breast. I saw the Empress shake herself and then return to the attack, stalking the Princess like a beast of prey stalking its victim. I thought of what Darlanis had told me there on Sarnian Lady. I thought I knew now why she had challenged Tara! "Darlanis!" I cried, "We stood together on the Seahawk!" I saw her eyes for an instant meet mine, a grim smile curving her beautiful lips. I knew she understood. She did not fight alone! Once again Tara leaped to the attack, Darlanis meeting it with all her skill, the slim blades ringing and dancing their deadly beautiful dance, the polished steel shining in the flickering light of the torches surrounding us. I saw Darlanis drive the Princess back, her blade beating down against that of Tara's, using her greater reach, her greater strength to wear down and eventually defeat the now sweating Princess! In the crowd I saw the beautiful features of the woman who had come with Tara, her attire leaving little doubt that she was of the Warrioresses. I recalled Darlanis having mentioned the Princess, whom she felt was a more fitting companion for the young Prince than Lara Warsan. If this was Sela Dai, then I wondered what Lara was like! Tala Sen fought to hold the young Prince as he saw his mother fall back before the Empress' attack, the handsome boyish Prince suddenly grabbing her sword and jerking free of her! "Lorraine!" Tala Sen screamed as I leaped forward, the guardsmen having let go in the confusion, but another was suddenly there before me! A tall full busted sensual delight in a short red leather skirt and a green silken halter. Her hair reddish brown in the torchlight as the young Prince fell into her arms, the sword dropping from his hand to the dock as she held him to herself, cupping his face to her loving bosom. It was Lara Warsan! The beautiful reddish brownette holding him close, speaking in low tones, her blue-gray eyes taking in the scene before her. Darlanis had spoken much of Lara Warsan, whom Sharon says looks like the 20th Century television actress Catherine Bach. I recalled what Darlanis had said of her, that she was "The Queen of Prostitutes", and as I looked into her eyes, I pitied her for what I knew was coming if Tara lived. On the ring finger of her left hand a slim golden ring symbolized his commitment to her, a commitment that even Darlanis had not been able to break despite her offers of all the resources of the Empire would he only give up his beloved Lara for Sela Dai, whom he had formerly loved and who everyone had thought he would eventually end up marrying! I suspected that Lara was lucky that Darlanis was the sort of a monarch that she is, since another would have just arranged to have her throat slit and her body left in a dark alley somewhere! Across from the two fighting women I saw the beautiful woman who had been with Tara frown and then dash around the fighters, and I suspected then that Tara too had hoped this woman would be the one to win her son's heart away from the lovely "Queen of Prostitutes"! While she was objectively considerably more beautiful than Lara, I suspected that Lara had "something" that even she didn't have! I caught her arm as she stepped towards Jers and Lara, and shook my head in the negative. Her beautiful face looking up into mine from behind her veil, her beauty such that even Darlanis would have had to look to her laurels with a woman like this around! "He loves you no more," I said, suspecting the truth. Darlanis had spoken of her, of the Princess Sela of Talon, whom she considered a more fitting companion for the Prince. I could understand why just from looking at her! She so beautiful it took your breath away! A perfect face, a perfect body! It was now becoming obvious as the duel dragged on that Tara was losing as Darlanis drove her back, forcing the Bajan Princess to expend her strength, while Darlanis' was obviously superior! Darlanis, while bleeding and glistening with sweat in the torchlight, was still in fairly good condition while Tara was showing every sight of physical exhaustion! Their blades ringing and clashing together, the polished steel flashing in the torchlight. They had fought now for several minutes. I did not think that Tara had much left. She did not respond as swiftly now to Darlanis' attacks. I thought I saw terror now in those dark eyes as she fell back before Darlanis' latest assault. Sela Dai at my side muttering to herself, perhaps praying to Lys to spare Tara's worthless life. I wondered if Darlanis would kill her knowing the effect that it would have on Jers, who might very well become her most bitter and deadly enemy. He was young, popular among the oarsmen and sailors that manned Sarnian Lady. Darlanis might make herself an enemy that would destroy her if she killed Tara! Darlanis, bloodstained, cut through Tara's tired defense and slashed the Princess across the face, cutting her cheek to the bone, the cut running from just below her right ear to her lips! I saw the red blood run down her beautiful face and heard the young Prince cry out as if Darlanis' blade had cut him instead of his mother! I saw the tears in Lara's eyes as she held him, holding his face to her bosom as he sobbed out his misery, his hot tears wetting the thin silk that barely covered her breasts. I saw the reflective glitter of tears in Sela's eyes there over her veil, although whether or not she was concerned for Tara's fate or Jers' was something I did not know or dare ask just then. Around us stood the gathered nobility of the Empire, the men and women who ruled this post-War society, whispering and gasping among themselves as they watched the duel that none had ever thought they would see. The light from the myriad torches flickering off their features. I wondered how many prayed for Darlanis and how many prayed for Tara. I watched Lara holding Jers. I saw the swift blades ring together in the deadly dance of steel. The boyish Prince sobbing out his misery on Lara's soft bosom. Sela Dai miserable there at my side, tears running down her cheeks beneath her veil. The torchlight shining on Darlanis' sweaty glistening bloody body as she fought. Tara's black silk dress now plastered to her with her own sweat and blood. She was now losing this duel. I could tell. Darlanis would win, but at a price I shuddered to think about for what it would do to Jers. I saw Darlanis' blade flash out, hear Tara cry out, stagger back! "I do not wish to kill," I heard Darlanis say to Tara, stepping back, but wisely keeping her point raised. My eyes holding the Empress' as they met for an instant. Tara hissed something beneath her breath I suspected was obscene in reply. Their blades met once again there in the torchlight, casting swift moving shadows there on the flagstones of the dock. Then Darlanis found the opening in Tara's rapidly weakening defense that she sought. Her blade was swift. Tara screamed with the pain as Darlanis slashed her wrist to the bone with her point, cutting the tendons and crippling her. Tara's dark eyes blazing with hot hatred as they looked into her ruler's, Tala Sen running forward to treat her, Sela Dai dashing to her side to comfort her. Tara's blood dark on the stones as it oozed from between her fingers. Darlanis lowered her blade. Tara's laid on the bloody stones there at her feet. It would be months before she would be able to hold a sword in that hand again, I knew, and the slash there on her cheek would leave a scar for the rest of her life. "Nothing has really been `settled' by this," Darlanis said to me, the fatigue showing in her voice as I pressed a bandage up against her bleeding ribs. The gathered nobility of the Empire muttering among themselves at the outcome of this famous duel! I nodded, smiling as she then added, "I would be pleased to have your arm as we walk to the palace as it has been a rather tiring day." Then with Sharon taking her other arm we did just that!